How deeply are you connected to your soul?
Can improved awareness of your soul connection lead to improved results?
Research offers an enthusiastic “yes!”
While science has yet to understand the soul, or consciousness, we can measure its effects. We know, for example, that while our soul and our mindset are intricately connected, there’s more to soul/consciousness than what we think we know.
There is ample evidence that the head brain participates in consciousness, and there is also evidence that the heart (limbic system) and gut (digestive system) contribute to it.
The mysterious sub-consciousness - the domain of psychology - also plays a part.
The best soul/consciousness tools available simultaneously connect our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual faculties. Used with skill and on purpose, these tools help us recover and coalesce our built-in intuition, empathy, creativity, energy, desire, and authentic power in ways that are both unstoppable and playful.
Working out from soul/consciousness takes us beyond the fix, the intervention, and the problem. "Getting back to normal" is no longer the end state we want. With soul/consciousness tools, we begin to envision end states unavailable to the previous version of ourselves. Opportunity, growth, and unreasonable joy become some of the new metrics of success.
All the other stuff? The symptoms? The money? The problems? “Normal,” whatever that is? The research into post-traumatic growth - and millennia of supportive anecdotal evidence that ancient philosophies such as Stoicism were correct - shows us that obstacles are, in fact, not walls. Obstacles - wounds - are doorways through which we encounter our soul/consciousness.
Einstein would agree: today’s problems won’t be solved with the same thinking that created them. Improved consciousness improves thinking, yes, and also improves our emotional, physical, and spiritual powers, but there's more to soul/consciousness than thought.
The best soul/consciousness tool we have? You already know what it is. You can feel it when you listen. It speaks to you during both exercise and rest. It opens you to the ineffable.
This Quest will bring you closer than ever before to appreciation of the words many often speak but few can truly use: "the power of music." You will discover how the music you love has minded you all your life and how to play deeply with it. How deep you go is up to you. The depth of your experience depends on your awareness, curiosity, and yes, fear and awe of the potential of your own soul.
Then, you will learn how to apply your evolving soul/consciousness to all the opportunities life offers you. Your results? Unconditionally guaranteed. The promise of this process? Your improved soul/consciousness, and the improved results that flow from it.
One might call this, in a paradoxical way, "music mindset," although both music and mind are poor representations of your powers beyond the merely mental or musical.
Beyond mindset and emotional intelligence, beyond divination and mysticism, beyond all religion and modern notions of spirituality, the fundamental soul of you waits to receive your visit.
Will you leave the comfort of hearth and home, travel through the dark forests and dangerous mountain passes that protect your psyche, discover the hidden key to your inner fortress, and slay the dragon that sleeps on the gold of your very own soul ? If so, may you travel in good company, may the road rise up to meet you, and
"may the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.
And so may a slow
wind work these words
of love around you,
an invisible cloak
to mind your life.*"
Welcome to the Musimorphic Quest.
*John O'Donohue: "Beannacht" (excerpt)
Get Started using the nearby big green button. You'll be offered two Levels of passage: the Silver and Gold. Once you pass the paywall, your Quest begins. If your desire aligns with Platinum passage, please use this link to inquire.
Platinum - Musimorphic Mastery
The eight-week Platinum Level Quest is an exclusive heroic journey for Passengers who:
· Make the deepest possible inner commitment to transformation
· Maximize results from a lifetime of self work
· Strive to move from success to significance
Your customized Platinum Quest is supported with in-depth guidance by Bill Protzmann and additional assistance from our team of Quest Mentors, online interaction with the Passenger community as you wish, regular private 1:1 sessions, and weekly group mastermind meetings during your journey.
As the name implies, the Platinum Quest is of significant value, and it is customized to your specific desires. Please use this link to inquire.
Gold - Musimorphic Mentor
The eight-week Gold level Quest is for team and cohort Passengers with excellent self-motivation and commitment and a desire to master their heroic journeys together. Shared intention and purpose are the focus of the Gold level Quest, and it is designed for groups of four or more Passengers to experience together. Tuition is $9,997 USD to join the Quest at the Gold level. Gold level Passengers participate in their team cohort’s purpose-specific weekly masterminds, and may join the weekly Quest mastermind, all facilitated by Bill Protzmann or a Quest Guide.
Silver - Musimorphic Maverick
Silver level Passengers are self-sufficient and self-motivated to do their inner work. While the Silver Quest includes online discussion with other Passengers and online dialogue with your Quest Guide and Mentors, your own internal compass will be the tool you use most. Depending on their progress through the Quest, Silver level Passengers may be invited to participate in the weekly Quest masterminds. Silver level tuition is $4,997 USD.
For active-duty military service members, Veterans of any United Nations member country, as well as first responders, frontline COVID-19 clinical workers, and volunteers, Musimorphic offers need-based Quest scholarships. Please use this link to inquire, and be prepared to provide bona fide documentation of your military or other qualifying service.
To begin your Quest at the Gold or Silver levels, use the big green Get Started button floating nearby or at the top or bottom of this page.
Questions? Sometimes a conversation can be useful before jumping in on a new endeavor. Asking questions is a great way to clarify purpose and belonging.
You can book a free, no-obligation conversation with Bill Protzmann directly using this link. the continuing journey of your life...from grief to growth and beyond. Whether you’re an accomplished performing artist or like music playing in your background, you deserve this opportunity to change your life – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – with music.
Copyright 2016-2023, Music Care Inc, dba Musimorphic. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this Quest without specific written permission is protected by law.

Bill Protzmann is an entrepreneur, musician, husband, father, and proud member of humankind.
His mission is to raise awareness of the practical value of music for personal growth, especially as a pathway to what some call “5D consciousness" - your soul.
He's the world's leading advocate and educator on the power of music for mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual (MEPS) self-care, holds magna cum laude degrees in piano performance and creative writing, and led a successful consulting practice for Fortune 500 clients in the information and telecommunications technology sector for over 30 years.
He's also the founder of Music Care Inc dba Musimorphic, the first for-purpose business established to teach effective, evidence-based personal development grounded in the music you love.
Bill's work has been recognized by the National Council for Behavioral Health with an Award of Excellence - the behavioral health industry equivalent of winning an Oscar.
Book your free in-depth conversation with Bill to review and analyze the music you love for it’s powerful effects on you.
Quest Curriculum
- 10 Levels
- Coaching By Bill
- Community Support
Level 01 What's a music rite?
You will learn about how music has always been available to us as a tool, and the power of using musical tools in purposeful, almost ceremonial ways. This background will also introduce the language of music care. You will begin to identify the ritual-ready moments of your life.
Level 02 Tools
This second "preparation" Level is about the things you'll need on hand to perform an effective music rite. In this Level, you'll assemble that gear and create a personal space for practicing its use.
Level 03 Strategy
Your first of three "build" Levels. Creating effective music rites begins with deepening your internal awareness of and connection to your emotions. You will do that if you were creating a strategic approach to the rest of your life. Here's a secret: you are.
Level 04 Tactics
This Level reveals the tools you need to accurately discover the emotions in the music you already love. Think you can do that well now? Just wait until you learn and use this tactical approach to the hidden emotional power of music.
Level 05 Ammunition
It takes strategy, tactics, and ammunition to win a military campaign. In this level, you will learn how to make your own customized ammo. No worries: this military metaphor isn't about making war; it's about the fuel that powers your music ritual and how to use that fuel for good.
Level 06 Locked and Loaded
Testing your skills in a safe environment is crucial before deploying them in real life. This is the most most important Level in the Quest: everything you've learned so far comes together in one powerful playlist, and you build your very first musical ritual around it.
Level 07 Finding Neutral
The last step before you take your new skills into the wild is to learn to find the powerful place called "neutral." Using your new skills, you will identify your own personal "neutral" and begin to practice ways of returning to it at will. Don't worry: there's a rite for this, too.
Level 08 Into the Wild
You've had time to practice, but now is the time to deploy your new skills in real life. This Level can be daunting for introverts and hard to control for extroverts, but you're ready. You may be surprised at how far you've grown...and at how many more purposeful rituals await!
Level 09 Musical Corners
The Wild can be brutal. This Level will help you keep your balance out there. You will learn to make several new kinds of music rituals that can take you to back to neutral. Your final practice for the next and final Level.
Level 10 Your Own Personal Music Rites
In this final Level, you will learn how to extend your new skills across the entire spectrum of your power. Most importantly, as you do this, you will find your trust in music ritual deepens and connects you more genuinely with the other essential parts of your human being.
Success Stories
Robert Svoboda Emotionally ricochet to a place you choose
"Wow! I have always loved music and have relied on it throughout my life, but I never understood why, or appreciated the logic, methodology, and science behind my reliance on music to carry me through. Understanding the framework of why I feel the way I do, understanding that it is OK and doing so with intent and then being able to emotionally ricochet to a place of my choosing is very comforting. THANK YOU!"
Nicolette DeVidar This was an AMAZING journey
"Thank you, Bill, for inviting me to go on this Quest and for your encouragement throughout. And thank ALL of you who put this very thoughtful and carefully orchestrated Quest together. I can heartily recommend it. Coming from a very spiritual background, the Quest helped me unlock a key to two paths which I had to date not fully grasped, and which have opened through the Quest and helped me further rise. As with everything in life, synchronicity is the magic ingredient when life unfolds."
Steven Morrison Don't deny emotion; incorporate it
"I have sincerely appreciated this very directed, unique, meaningful, and effective way for us humans to process and understand emotion. It's a skill, and this Quest shows us how to use it. The times in which we live demand that we learn to incorporate emotion into our daily life experiences instead of denying it altogether, and the Quest shows us exactly how to do this in a way that is compellingly easy to appreciate because music is the means."
Dyane Rogelstad This Quest has truly improved my life!
"When my Dad passed away, I was faced with overwhelming grief for the first time in my life. I decided to use the skills from this Quest to learn to process my grief using music as my guide and lifeline. It has worked so well! I now feel empowered to face this difficult emotion. I now know how to gently recognize, approach, and enter times of grief and to use my curated playlist to safely and effectively take that journey."
Robert J Ackerman, PhD Worldwide authority on addiction and recovery
"Listening to Bill Protzmann pulls all of the positive things about living into place. He is a master at his ability to relate his music to recovery for everyone. His music and his words of wisdom touch and teach at the same time that recovery is truly a gift, just like his music."
Doug Blackwood Cancer survivor, Military Veteran, peer counselor
"I confronted my fear of cancer treatment radiation; initially with the Serenity Prayer and meditation. Then it dawned on me: I am seeking serenity. Bill gave me his 'Serenity' CD. The radiation techs played it for me. While the beams radiated, the piano sedated. The power of music! I left Protzmann’s CD for future patients."
Gary J Rossio, ASHCP Director (retired) VA Medical Center San Diego CA
"Bill’s love of music, passion for Veterans and boundless energy to do the right thing in every situation is to be admired. I heartily endorse him and his work."
Lesslie Keller CEO (retired) Episcopal Community Services of CA
"Many thanks for your lively and thoughtful keynote address this morning at our Professional Growth Day. You were at once entertaining, inspiring, and thought-provoking. I confess I could sit and listen to you play the piano for hours, and so appreciate you sharing your gifts with us today."
Eric Darling US Army National Guard (ret), Sr HR NCO 1-109th FA
"Bill is an amazing presenter. His speaking and training abilities are outmatched only by his passion for music and helping Veterans. I’m not sure why I like what he does, but his use of music for healing touches me on some deep level that I normally don’t allow to surface."
Rodney L Hatley, Esq Asset Protection Attorney
"If you’re looking for a speaker at your next event, I cannot recommend Bill highly enough. As he describes himself, he is a man on a mission, namely, to raise awareness of the power of music as self care. Your audience will be engaged, entertained, and enlightened."